Tuesday, September 13

Vikes Avoid Home Opener Blackout

I am not sure what over 2,000 people saw in Sunday’s opening game in San Diego to cause them to jump up and buy tickets to this week’s game against the Bucs, but they did.

Last week, the Vikings had 3,000 tickets remaining to the home opener against Tampa Bay and Jeremy Fowler reports that the team avoided a local blackout and have under 1,000 tickets remaining.

Assuming the rest of the tickets sell this will be Minnesota’s 137th consecutive sellout.

Vikings Daily is still somewhat in “beta” mode, but I do plan on trying to host a live chat here during Sunday’s game.  So, if you weren’t one of those fans that purchased tickets to the game, I hope to see you here.


  1. Live chat? Oh ya music to my ears, hope you can pull it off Adam.

  2. you think we had a bad day?

    Chinese man has an eel enter his penis, then bladder after spa treatment


  3. OMG Cal where do you come up with some of this stuff? LMFAO!

  4. johnny, i just stumble across this stuff. it was from another message board

  5. Thats no good. Maybe some tight shorts or spandex would help.

    Anyways, I will not be attending the game sunday. I thought about it, but the 1,000+ mile drive would take too long to make it back to work on monday. Ill be right here Adam.

  6. Hey CC. That is quite a long drive. Did you see that our oline ranked dead last in last weeks game with a negative score none the less?

  7. Saw that Johnny. Wonder how they gauge that. I agree they didnt play very well, but wow.
    They only had like 40 plays. And AP had like a 6 yard average, not bad. I only saw the 1st quarter, but from what Im hearing they sucked at pass blocking.

  8. 39 yards or less, very funny...


  9. Ya CC we cant pin this all on Mcnabb, he didnt have alot of time to screw around back there and he had three big time drops to boot. The oline just needs to be more consistent, drives me crazy, cant imagine how Coach feels.


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