Saturday, September 17

Back Into Hibernation

Right now, I think it is just my close pals that are visiting this site and that is not a coincidence... it is by design.

I have received lots of great feedback on the site and I have quickly come to the conclusion that this style isn't going to work out real well.

So, I'm cooking up something new.

The "something new" is going to feature an easier-to-use comments system, forums acting as a great place to hang out, and tons more!  I'm really excited about it and look forward to getting you all on board.

However, I'm not technically savvy enough to put this together over night, and I am redirecting my efforts into web design with hopes of getting the new site "live" as soon as possible.

I still plan on (hopefully) doing a live chat during Sunday's game against Tampa.  If the live chat isn't located on this site, I will provide a link here for you to follow.  So, keep checking back for updates!

My best to you all, and thanks for all of the awesome feedback!



  1. Adam,
    What over style you come up with will be good Bro,
    I'm not Technically savvy at all ! ( Johnny isn't either lol )
    So you are miles ahead of me my friend...

    Best to you and the family
    PS: Will check for updates

  2. Thanks PC! I am looking to create the best, most user friendly, most interactive site that I can... Basically I want to combine the "wish lists" of all my old pals and put them together... I'm working on it and I think its going to be really good.

    For a sneak peek (not everything is working yet) you can check out this link:

    Also, I am looking for suggestions on what to name the new site. Vikings Daily is already taken I guess and I'm not sure I wanted "VD" to be my intials anyways :)

  3. Sorry, the link is actually:

  4. Charlie, dont worry about the technical complications, Adam has taken a big step already with the latest version. Believe me, yours truely has been lobbying hard in that area. lol!

    Adam how about Vikings Die Hard for a new name?

  5. oooh, I like the line of thinking! We could just call the new site Armadillo Skin, haha.

  6. I made it onto your new site, Adam. I offer The Viking Ship as a choice to name it. I think Freds will be here in no time if that is the name.

    B. Grant

  7. Welcome coach! The Viking Ship is already taken, too, by my good friend Jazzy (see blogroll on the right).

    Hope freds finds his way despite the lack of a boat :)

  8. Just Checking in Adam,

    I have no doubts it will be smooth as silk in no time. My creative cap is lost, so I have no suggestions for a name. Sorry


  9. Great to see you Lecount!

    Keep checking in for updates!

  10. Hey Coach it would have to be "The Vikings Love Boat". I dont think that one is taken.
    Btw Adam it's warthog skin in honor of Charlie.

  11. Ok then, how about The Viking Lund Stinger 1600. I bet that name's not taken, and it is one fine fishing craft.

    B. Grant

  12. I like it Coach but I dont think 'ol Freds had any plans of fishing on the boat ride. Just my opinion though.

  13. Isn't that why arrests were made on that ill-advised boat trip, johnny? Minnesota is pretty tough on anyone who exceeds their walleye limit, even Viking football players who like fishing. Hope those guys, including Freds, learned their lesson from that night. Gotta say, though, those were some of the prettiest fishing guides I ever saw. I thought it was funny... they called themselves "The Hookers". Clever little name for female fishing guides, huh johnny?


  14. Oh geez coach please tell me you werent aboard on that trip? And yes the term "hookers" is very clever. My son has a fishing hook on the hat he wears to school, do I need to worry?

  15. No, I wouldn't worry johnny. Kids don't steal fishing hooks out of hats very often. It should be safe there. Must be a pretty special hook, huh? Get it from grandpa, did he?


  16. testing testing testicle, is this thing on?

    Go Vikings!!!!! ......... Win!!!!

  17. that last comment was me

    Go Vikings!!!! .... kick the Buc's okole!!!!

  18. Johnny,
    Not feelin the Warthog! but thanks...

    How about Purple Steel, With a Big Viking flexing his arm.

  19. Glad to see you guys could make it!

    How about Viking Tactics.

  20. how do ya like 'Pillage Village'?

    has a nice ring to it, huh?

  21. I like it Cal just hope Freds doesnt get the wrong idea.


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